
The last few weeks have been a blur, and have been off the charts physically, emotionally and spiritually with the only commonalities from one day to the next being the unpredictability of how I would feel and the consistency of God’s unfailing love.  With every passing moment, He seemed to impress upon my heart the necessity of abiding in His portion of grace as my stronghold and embracing days of pain with the same fervor I demonstrated when welcoming days of physical relief.

Job 1:21 says,

…the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.

The use of the name “LORD” in this verse is translated “Jehovah” in the original Hebrew language, meaning “the existing one”, the “one true God”, and the “supreme God”.

If God Himself is sovereign, then He is inherently sovereign in all circumstances.  Not just some.  Not only when things are going my way, suiting my preferences, or answering my prayers.  All circumstances.  Faith is founded on absolutes – God has either forgiven all sin or none at all.  He is either the Creator of all things or nothing at all.  And He is either sovereign over every circumstance or He isn’t sovereign over any.  It’s really that simple.

Accepting this truth doesn’t remove the sting of pain inflicted during challenging seasons of life, for we were created to experience life and with that privilege comes a smattering of emotions which we were created to feel.  Further, embracing this truth doesn’t minimize or invalidate our trials, nor does it imply that we deny their occurrence and adopt a superficial spirit of joy.  On the contrary, when we cling to the truth of God’s sovereignty, we can confidently rest in the assurance that our “light and momentary troubles” (2 Corinthians 4:16-17) have significant meaning and divine purpose because God reigns sovereign – undisputed – over all of them.  Yes, He is sovereign still.

Where do you find yourself today on the continuum of grace?  Do you measure God’s love and grace by your perception of the size of your struggles and circumstances, or by His unlimited and eternal dimensions?  Choose today to live confidently in the sovereignty of God’s love and grace!